Register User in ZKTech MiniAC

Click on menu icon     > [User Mgt.] > [New User] to register a new user. Provide user details i.e. User/Enroll ID, User Name, User Role, Verification mode as Password or Face or Palm etc. Click required verification option to register the user.

Refer sequence of snapshots below for settings of entering user ID and name, registering a face, palm, password, badge and user photo, user role and access control role.

Register User in old ZKTeco Keypad or similar Devices:

Press M/OK button to enter into the main menu. Select User Mgt. -> New User and provide new user details such as User role, Fingerprint, Badge Number, Password etc. At last save the details. Refer sequence of snapshots below for settings of entering user ID, User Role, FP etc.