
Weekly pay cycle in Timelabs
What is Weekly Pay Cycle? A weekly pay cycle is a method of paying employees where they receive their salary or wages on a weekly basis. This means that th...
Mon, 10 Apr, 2023 at 5:24 PM
Payment of Monthly Arrear LOP
In case of any adjustment of deducted Salary in previous month, User can use 'Arrear-Monthly' feature and can pay the deducted amount as Arrear with...
Fri, 14 Apr, 2023 at 9:08 AM
Add new PT State and update existing PT rates
In Timelabs Payroll few predefined PT Groups and their PT Rates are already available. If a PT group for a particular State is missing or if you want to upd...
Sat, 29 Apr, 2023 at 4:08 PM
Understand Timelabs Payroll formulas
The image shown below is the Formula Editor of Timelabs Payroll. User can apply formula on fixed Salary Heads as well as on Additional Earning/Deduction Hea...
Tue, 2 May, 2023 at 10:27 AM
Assign Imprest account to employee
To assign an employee to an imprest account in the payroll module, follow these steps: Step 1: Navigate to the Expenses section within the payroll module ...
Mon, 29 Apr, 2024 at 1:00 PM
Gratuity configuration in Timelabs Payroll
Gratuity is a financial benefit given to employees as a form of gratitude for their service to an organization. It is typically provided upon retirement, re...
Sat, 29 Jun, 2024 at 2:47 PM