Here's a detailed guide on how to do a check-in and check-out entry for the visitor.

Check-In new visitor:

Step 1 : On ViziTrac web portal, navigate to 'Visitor's Book' from left side Menu and click on New Visit button.

Step 2 : Now fill-up the 'New Visit' form shown on next screen. Here all star marked (*) fields are mandatory to fill.

Field description:
Mobile No: - Enter the visitor's mobile number.
First Name: - Enter the visitor’s first name.
Upload Photo: - Upload a photo of the visitor.
Select Belongings with Visitor: - Check the boxes for any items the visitor is carrying, such as a laptop, pen drive, SSD, or hard disk.
Visit Date/Time: - Select the date and time when the visitor arrived.
Purpose Of Visit: - Choose the purpose of the visit from the available options.
Email: - Enter the visitor’s email address.
Last Name: - Enter the visitor’s last name.
ID Type: - Select the type of ID the visitor is using (e.g., Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Others).
Pass/Badge No: - Enter the pass or badge number assigned to the visitor.
Host-: Select the employee the visitor is meeting with.
Company Name: - Enter the name of the visitor's company.
Remarks-: Add any additional information or comments about the visitor.

Step 3 : Once all the details are filled in, save the visitor information. This will create a check-in entry for the visitor in the 'Visitor Book' list.

Check-Out existing visitor:

Step 1 : In the Visitor Book, find the visitor you added. Click on the three dots next to the visitor’s entry and then click 'Show/Check Out' option.

Step 2 : On next pop-up put your remark and click on 'Check Out' button. This will mark a Check-out entry for the selected visitor.