Here's a detailed guide on how to add poll in Polls & Survey module:

Step1: Open Poll List and click on 'Create New Poll' button.

Step2:- Now fill-up the ‘Create New Poll' form shown on next screen. Here all-star marked (*) fields are mandatory to fill.

Filed description:-
Your Question: -What is your question the poll you are creating.
Option: - Add the possible answers or choices for your poll question.
Note: -You can also add more options by clicking on 'Add Options'.
Poll Days: - Specify the duration for which the poll will remain active. This is the number of days the poll will be opened for responses.
Enable comment/Enable Like Dislike: - Turn On/off this if participants can express their like or dislike for the options provided.
Remarks: - Add any additional information or comments about the Polls.

Step3:- Once all the details are filled in, click on the "Save" button. This will create a poll entry in the 'Polls list'.

Step 4 :- In the Polls list, find the poll you added Click the three dots next to the poll entry and select 'Assign Employee'.

Step 5: - On the next screen, you will be required to fill in the details for assigning employees to the poll.

Filed Description: -

From date:- Specify the start date from which the polls will be available to the employees.

Go Live:- Select to make the poll live.

Note:-Poll content can’t be update once they become live.